英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 20:05:13

suck up

英 [sʌk ʌp]

美 [sʌk ʌp]

吸收; 吸尽; 吮吸; 吸取
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suck up的近义词


1. try to gain favor by cringing or flattering

e.g. He is always kowtowing to his boss

Synonym: fawntoadytrucklebootlickkowtowkotow

2. take in, also metaphorically

e.g. The sponge absorbs water well
She drew strength from the minister's words

Synonym: absorbsuckimbibesoak upsop updrawtake intake up

3. ingratiate oneself to
often with insincere behavior

e.g. She is playing up to the chairman

Synonym: cozy upcotton upshine upplay upsidle up

1. 奉承;巴结;拍马屁
You say that someone is sucking up to a person in authority when you do not like the fact that they are trying to please the person because of the person's position.

e.g. She kept sucking up to the teachers, especially Mrs Clements.

1. 拍马屁:Interact相互影响 | Suck up拍马屁 | Rip撕坏

2. suck up什么意思

2. 吸收:instability n.不稳定, 不稳固 | demolish vt.摧毁; 推翻; 拆毁(尤指大建筑物) | suck up 吸收

3. 奉承者:suck 吸 | suck-up 奉承者 | sucker 乳儿

4. 吸收,吸出,吸起:suck v.吸,吸收 | suck up 吸收,吸出,吸起 | sudden a.突然的

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The heavier bodied base of the machine often remains still while the long hose moves around to suck up dirt.(它沉重的底座留在地上,而连接在上面的橡皮软管却能四处移动打扫灰尘。)
And when the algae die, their remains are broken down by fungi and bacteria that suck up oxygen, creating ocean dead zones, Morton explained.(死亡后的海藻被真菌与细菌分解,吸收氧气,造成海水缺氧,形成大片的死亡之域。)
Storms, hail or lightning can kill birds while tornadoes or waterspouts may suck up small fish or frogs and drop them far away.(暴风雨、冰雹与闪电可致飞鸟死亡,而龙卷风可能会把小鱼与青蛙吸入其中并将它们远远抛出。)
Bankers must all be allowed to run their businesses without interference, even as they suck up public money.(必须允许所有银行家经营业务时不受干预,即使他们吸收了公众资金。)
Thermal plants suck up nearly as much electricity, but also need large amounts of steam.(采用热法技术的工厂消耗的电力也差不多如此,但是同样需要大量的水蒸气。)
The nutrients feed algal blooms, which suck up the oxygen in the water.(这些营养养育了大量藻类,这些藻类吸收水中的氧气。)
The secret is hydrogels, powerfully absorbent polymers that can suck up hundreds of times their weight in water.(秘密就在于水凝胶,强烈地吸收超过其重量几百倍的水的聚合物。)
Another way would be growing algae in the ocean to suck up carbon dioxide.(另外一种办法是可以通过在海洋里种植藻类来吸收二氧化碳。)
These plants suck up moisture from the soil.(这些植物吸收土壤中的水份。)
But planting has been criticized because trees take years of growth to suck up an equivalent amount of released carbon.(但种树这个选择受到许多批评,因为树木必须要花好几年的时间才能吸收等量的二氧化碳。)
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